Best Toys for Sensorimotor Stage: A Guide to Piaget-Inspired Play for Ages 0-2

Stages of Play Series: The Sensorimotor Stage (Ages 0-2)

Welcome to the first installment of our Stages of Play series! Inspired by Jean Piaget—the psychologist who famously said, “Play is the work of childhood”—this series helps you make sense of the toy chaos in your home.

Today, we’re diving into the Sensorimotor Stage (ages 0-2), where kids learn through their five senses and explore the world through movement. Let’s explore what this stage is all about and how you can choose toys that delight and engage your little one.

What is the Sensorimotor Stage?

During the Sensorimotor Stage, babies and toddlers are discovering the world through:

  • Sensory exploration: Touching, tasting, hearing, seeing, and smelling.
  • Physical movement: Crawling, reaching, grasping, and more.

Ideal toys for this stage engage the senses and encourage movement. The best part? These toys don’t have to break the bank! Montessori-style wooden toys are wonderful, but plastic, fabric, or mixed-media options can be just as effective.

3 Questions to Ask Before You Buy a Sensorimotor-Stage Toy

When choosing toys for your baby, ask yourself:

  1. Does it engage one or more of the five senses? (sight, sound, smell, taste, or feel)
  2. Does it encourage movement and exploration?
  3. Is it safe for babies?

1 Thing to Avoid in Sensorimotor-Stage Toys

Avoid toys that do the playing for your child.

  • Toys with too many bells, whistles, or automated features can make children passive observers, limiting the benefits of deep, active play.

Decluttering Your Play Space

Use these guidelines to evaluate the toys you already have:

  • Keep toys that engage the senses or encourage movement.
  • Remove toys that don’t fit Piaget’s criteria or “do the playing” for your child.
  • Pro Tip: Research shows that children play longer and more deeply when they have fewer toys to choose from. Fewer toys = better brain connections and more meaningful playtime!

Top Toy Recommendations for the Sensorimotor Stage

Here are a few family-favorite toys to consider for this stage:

  • Pikler Triangle, Foam Blocks, Mirror, and Pull-Up Bar: Great for encouraging movement and helping babies understand their bodies and surroundings.
  • Oball: Lightweight, hollow, easy to clean, and perfect for tummy time or sitting play.
  • Soft Books: Crunchy textures and washable materials make these great for teething and sensory play.
  • Stacking Rings: A timeless classic for introducing colors and problem-solving to sitting babies (7-8 months and older).
  • Stacking Cups: Versatile and grow-with-me, they’re great for stacking, bath time, or sensory bins.
  • My First Wagon: Starts as toy storage, then transforms into a walker, stroller, or even a grocery cart—loved for years!


The Sensorimotor Stage is all about exploration and discovery through the senses and movement. By choosing toys that align with Piaget’s principles, you’re supporting your child’s development in a meaningful way.

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